6 SIMPLE INVENTIONS Using Recycled Materials

Simple inventions using recycled materials. Simple inventions to make at home. DIY inventions using recycled materials.Simple inventions using recycled materials. Simple inventions to make at home. DIY inventions using recycled materials. If you like life hacks, ideas, crafts, genius inventions or how to make videos, be sure to subscribe. He is a pretty damn good inventor. With a few random things? Especially that shotgun. I think that one was definitely the coolest.That’s way better than flint lock! I wonder if you could get more distance if you flattened the striking pin to basically make it like your pushing with 2 hands instead of one. And the coil could be made of different materials. I say a giant clothes pin and thought if you could get that on something it could take out the side of a building.I loved this! I’ve never come across your channel before and I’m new to setting one up myself but your channel looks like great fun, good videos and really well edited so I’ll be watching more!

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